Climate Action Families

Science Education & Research

Young People\’s Day In Court

[vimeo 67776236 w=500 h=281] TRUST 350 from Our Children\’s Trust on Vimeo.  by James Hansen, 14 April 2014, cross-posted from Dr. Hansen\’s blog May 2 could be an historic day, as young people have their day in court, at 9:30 AM in the United States Court of Appeals in Washington, DC. This concerns the legal case that […]

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Radio: NPR \”On Point\” plays Ambassador speeches, Guest Jared Diamond

Ambassadors steal the show, \”Jared Diamond Speaks to the Young on Environmental Challenges\” the APRIL 4, 2014 episode of NPR\’s On Point with Tom Ashbrook. Listen here: OK, so the Ambassadors are not the guests; but they are briefly featured voices of a generation, and Jared Diamond is good company! The celebrated author of Guns, Germs,

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James Hansen Admires Ambassador Action

Ambassadors from Plant-For-The-Planet shared their plan to end the climate crisis with U.S. Senate staffers last week in downtown Seattle. They made very specific requests for the Senators to consider new language when they discuss climate change, drawing on Dr. James Hansen\’s research into how humans might make the world cooler near 2100, but only if we

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VIDEO – Ambassadors Share Plan with Governor Inslee\’s Climate Workgroup

Zoe and Wren speak to the Gov\’s hearing. CLICK BELOW to watch! WATCH VIDEO Thanks a billion Zoe and Wren! Stay tuned when they finish to hear from a surprised grownup! Zoe and Wren speak to Governor Inslee\’s Climate Workgroup by Plant-For-The-Planet USA Two 7th graders from Seattle announced the Washington Billion Tree Campaign as part of

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The Divesters!

Pretend you are a Marvel superhero at the climax of the latest summer blockbuster. The evil psychopaths are two minutes away from successfully wiping out life on Earth. Your kids, pets, house, purple mountains, favorite band, everything, sea to shining sea, the whole planet is depending on you. Is there anything you wouldn\’t do? Any risk you

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World Reaches CO2 Milestone: 400ppm

Seasonally adjusted, our global average CO2 is now 395ppm; but May 9th marks the first day in human history when we crossed the 400ppm threshold at Mauna Loa. –M. Foster            May 10, 2013 Heat-Trapping Gas Passes Milestone, Raising Fears By JUSTIN GILLIS The level of the most important heat-trapping gas

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Finally! Climate Change Introduced to U.S. Science Curriculum

by Judy Molland April 13, 2013 Good news and bad news: The good news is that U.S. students will for the first time receive instruction on climate change following the adoption last Tuesday of new science education guidelines. The guidelines also take a firm stand that children must learn about evolution, the central organizing idea in the biological sciences for

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Dr. James Hansen Retires From NASA

Galileo. Darwin. Hansen. A giant among scientists for taking on the burden of the most controversial and essential science in history. He faced down congress, faced censorship, and faced religious leaders in a race against time to save the world. And he never stopped working to advance knowledge. Our survival, and the survival of life as we

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